Thursday, December 13, 2007

everyone that lives in buffalo should be given a voucher when they are born. this voucher could be redeemed, when they are of legal driving age, for their very own snowmobile. but it wouldnt be a normal snowmobile, it would resemble the popemobile so taht way you wouldnt get all snowy.
ah shit. nevermind. that would mean that everyoen would basically have a voucher for a free SUV. a bulletproof SUV.

here i go, everyone! i am going to change my life! isnt that lovely?
i'm also going to see some members of the office do some comedy things at UCB.

Monday, December 10, 2007

dear girl in the library with the baby thats crying,

find a damned sitter for your baby. if you cant, then study at home. i don't care if your baby is hungry/tired/sitting on a diaper full of poo. my attention shouldn't be focused on the blood-curdling screams of your baby, but unfortunately, you are incapable of controlling your child. you also lack common decency, courtesy and respect for others seeing as how you refuse to remove your baby from the STUDY QUAD, or even attempt to soothe his/her obviously tortured soul. i didn't pay $4.50 for my coffee beverage just to have all attempts at concentration and studying squandered by your precious little angel. this is the study quad, not Doodle Bugs Day Care.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

a Home Improvement Evening

i love:

- antiques roadshow on pbs
- wait wait! dont tell me! on npr, sunday mornings
- mcdonald's cheeseburgers with extra cheese and extra pickles
- little debbie christmas tree cakes
- my dad's stories about his younger days
- speaker dancing
- men in sweatpants
- tom and jerry
- morning coffee
- queen
- rosanne seasons 1-4
- truman capote
- vince guaraldi trio Charlie Brown Christmas album

getting me by, passing the time. my feeling of being in limbo is breaking and strengthening simultaniously, strangely. i fell in the snow today while brushing off my car. sometimes i begin to cry when things like that happen, also when im extremely tired, which seems to happen a lot lately. i dont know what i would do if i didnt have jena nixon in my life. today, im feeling not-so-pretty and not-so-healthy and not-so-rested. did anyone else have a strange obsession with jonathan taylor thomas when they were little? do you remember scrounging or beggin your mom for $4 to buy the newest Tiger Beat magazine? before the days of High School Musical, back when child stars did voices of disney characters. Old-school, painted animated characters. i have come to the point in my life where i realize i should never ever be embarassed about anything about my personality, especially not my love for clothing, makeup, and hairproducts. even with the knowledge that their relationship has been carefully crafted by a team of writers, i would love to one day be married like Tim and Jill on Home Improvement or Roseanne and Dan on Roseanne. They're humble, hardworking, and never sick of each other (excluding the last seasons of roseanne.)
