Friday, July 20, 2007

i spent an entire morning composing a blog entry about commercials. since this thing autosaves everything right away, said entry is filed neatly away in my archives. instead of hearing me thoughts on effective advertising, but not veering ENTIRELY off the subject, i present you with this:

i dont recall when i first saw this, but its one of my favorite things on YouTube. mostly because ive been obsessing over The Shining ever since i was little and fucking freaked because there is a picture of my dad in the same red jacket AND same hairstyle as Jack. i never developed that invisible friend/talking finger complex though. have you ever paid attention to the wardrobe in this movie? incredible, with a few rare exceptions (tan corduroy overalls over a flannel? bad idea, mrs. torrence. no wonder your husband wants to kill you.) all of you bitches out there know for a fact that if danny torrence were about 23 and you saw him riding a bike wearing THIS

rocketship sweater, and sporting this perfect haircut, you would cream your pants and then go home and try to find him on myspace.

1 comment:

mindylynn said...

any movie preview with a cat stevens song has got to be a light-hearted smilefest. no doot aboot it.
ps next sunday is marcellas 3rd birthday party at my sisters. ur welcome to come play.