Friday, January 2, 2009

ocala schmocala

my mom, aunt, cousin, and baby second cousin took a shopping trip, as all women i guess do on pseudo-vacations; even though we are in Retirementville, FL, the reason being my uncle is dead, wherein my mother insisted that she buy me anything i picked out (awesome!) including mascara that promises "4X BRIGHTER EYES!" even though, and i say this in a truthful, modest tone; i do not need brighter eyes. even after a night of heavy drinking or when i get eyelash glue in them and they feel like they are bleeding.

my second cousin is one and a half, and he refers to me as Lee Lee, because he is adorable. my dad went fishing today without me; i was really looking forward to it more than i was pointlessly spending money on a pair of levi's that i most likely will not like once i get home. i want to show my father that i can fish; it is important for me to do before he gets TOO old. for christ's sake, he already has titanium knees.

i have found myself in more sane of a spot than ever before. soon to be twenty six the most awesome of ages where everything has clicked together and makes total sense. i have, in the past year, felt a very many things fall apart, had the best summer of my entire life, moved my best friend from los angeles to my sweet, sad hometown, raged, raged, and raged, saw friends drift away, brought new friends closer, found an amazing job, almost graduated from college (finally, in may,) and set out on mission: impossible which turned into HOLY SHIT what was i thinking two years ago when i could have dated him but didnt and now that i am, things have never been more perfect?, had my life threatened, got chased on a bike, and fell in super huge love. im not even that girl that i used to be when i would be afraid to even say it. i say it all the time, because its true and wonderful.

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