this, tender reader, is my kind-of-but-not-by-blood nephew, devon.
we went to the zoo!
it was...you know...just like the zoo, but the lions were being lazy as hell and were nowhere to be found, and the gorrilla setup REALLY REALLY stank. very stinky.
we travelled to Niagara Falls, just because devon is 9 now and will actually remember it.
most memorable moment was not the look of wonder on the youngsters face when presented with one of the seven wonders of the world...
it was this social commentary as we were leaving:
(as we were heading north on some street, back to our car, a rather pudgy drunk bum stands on our left, smoking. a group of glam/goth fashion kids walk toward us, heading south. i mean...you know that band AFI? like, that hair? that myspace glammy black/blonde spikey chunky hair? bleeeggghhh.)
bum: heyuu kids gat any money? iayno bum i swear. im juss tryin to get hometa makids.
group of kids: no way, sorry man. no. no money sorry. etc.
bum: ahdammit (proceedes to smoke).
devon: i KNOW those goth kids got money. (devon lives in alabama, BTdubs.)
me: what? why?
devon: i know they got money because how else do you think they get their hair all dyed and done like that all crazy? how do they get all them goth CHAINS? where in the heck do they buy ALL those black CLOTHES!? they spend allllllll their money to look all....weird....like that. why ARE they wearin all them black clothes for? dont they know its hot out here? ITS SO HOT!
once, i told devon i didnt want to go for a bikeride because "i was tired."
he proceeded to tell me, "well, youre also a BUTTHOLE!"